Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stanford Study: Organics vs Conventional

My wife and I were recently watching TV and our local news station had a story about a study that demonstrated that organic produce, meats, and dairy were not any more nutritious than the same items that are "conventionally" grown.

Essentially, a soy bean is going to give you the same nutrients whether it is covered with pesticides or not.  I don't feel like this is groundbreaking information but I do feel like it is misleading.  I have since seen information on the same study presented on national news programs and in multiple locations online (popular places like Yahoo!) where the consumer would be led to believe that paying extra for organic food is a complete waste of money and offers no health benefits over buying regular produce at your local grocery store.   This must make companies like Monsanto, makers or Roundup and lots of genetically engineered seed, very happy as public perception of their company and their products has taken a hit over the last few years with backlash over the effects of pesticides.

I tend to think more in line with this editorial from the LA Times.  While the vitamins and minerals you get from a strawberry may not change just because it is organic, there are many other things to consider for your health and well being.  A panel of experts presented this statement to the government in 2010: With the growing body of evidence linking environmental exposures to cancer, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the unacceptable burden of cancer resulting from environmental and occupational exposures that could have been prevented through appropriate national action."

The panel also commented on exposure to pesticides and other dangerous chemicals and its impact on children.  From the Washington Post:  "Children are particularly vulnerable because they are smaller and are developing faster than adults. The report noted unexplained rising rates of some cancers in children, and it referred to recent studies that have found chemicals in umbilical-cord blood, which supplies nutrients to fetuses."

And the real kicker: About 80,000 chemicals are in commercial use in the United States, but federal regulators have assessed only about 200 for safety.

In summary, I will continue to buy the majority of my produce from the organic section regardless of cost.  Check out this photo slideshow of foods you should always buy organic and pay special attention to those.  Enjoy what you eat and take comfort in knowing that organic food will help sustain the health and well being of your family.

Eat good!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the yahoo article. They also made mention that even organic foods (like 15% or so) had pesticides because of "blow over" from traditional farms. That was pretty amazing to hear... Basically the way they worded it was that you can't avoid pesticides so why pay more to try? Comical. Anyway.. Im sure your home gardens to not have blow over.
